The ONE Thing

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 69 Degrees

RE: The one thing

Back when I got started in business, I was pretty scared. I can’t really tell you exactly WHAT I was scared of, but I have my ideas.

Rejection was probably near the top of the list. Now back then, my definition of rejection was a little different than it is today.

Today, I understand that rejection doesn’t exist until I will it into being. If I perceive myself as being rejected, I can conjure up that feeling immediately.

But if I never had any desire or wish to be “accepted,” then getting “rejected” ceases to be a possibility.

Anywho… the reason I mention this is that my fear of rejection back then led me to do some pretty stupid things.

Actually, it kept me from doing the ONE thing that could actually move my business forward.

I worked pretty darn hard and spent a lot of money to engage in anything BUT that ONE thing.

We all have the ONE thing. What’s yours?

Do you realize it’s that ONE thing that leads you on the journey towards what you want?

It’s that ONE thing that will bring you face to face with whatever fear you’re carrying around.

It’s that ONE thing that unlocks the door to the next level of who you really are.

So here’s a thought for you going into the weekend:

What if, instead of avoiding that one thing, you made the decision to become a master of that one thing?

You feel that buzzing feeling you get in your gut when you think about that possibility?

That’s not fear, that’s your power. And it’s waiting for you to show up and claim it by doing the ONE thing.

Today’s a good day to start.