The Client Attraction System That Never Sleeps

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 47 Degrees

When I got started in the copywriting and consulting business, “getting clients” was something I did when I needed clients.

The drawback was that there was about a six month delay between me doing things to get clients (like sending out a mailing) and clients actually showing up.

I suffered from the feast and famine cycle that is no stranger to many service providers.

You do X to get clients. You get clients. You work with those clients, during which you are doing little to nothing to get clients. You’re just too busy! Then you stop working with that client and look up to see there’s no one else waiting in line!

So you rinse and repeat the process.

Life is way too short to put yourself through emotional turmoil like this.

When you develop a process for attracting clients – ideally a process founded on a PLATFORM – you basically have a client attraction process that never sleeps.

You spin the wheel (that’s your Platform), go do some work, come back and spin the wheel again, and repeat forever.

Once you get the wheel spinning, it doesn’t take too much to keep it going. But over time, the results that are achieved seem to get easier. Less effort produces more result.

It’s really your choice about how to proceed in the coming year.

You can continue on the “feast and famine” roller coaster, or you can actually build a client attraction system that never sleeps.

The next Platform Lab session begins MONDAY January 5. Get onboard while registration is still open.