Slower Than the Fish

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees – 2:50 p.m.

They say the fish is the last one to discover water. But I don’t think that’s true.

I think most service providers are FAR slower than that. Of course we’re not living in water (are we?), I’m talking about the sea of value you’re currently swimming around in.

You generally can’t see how valuable you are. And even if you could…even AFTER we see the clues about or irrefutable proof of how valuable we are, we’ll probably still figure out a way to avoid actually believing those things. We might hold out for days, months or years!

And we’re the “superior” species. Ha.

So what do you do about this?

You learn to see your “value” through the reflection of that value coming off the people you serve.

To be blunt, the only way you can discover how valuable you truly are is to STOP FOCUSING ON YOU!

How counterintuitive is that?

But I’ve found it to be effective.

To finally come to terms with your true value, just look at the ripple effect you cause throughout your world.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you see. You’ll benefit just from observing. Do that enough, though and eventually you’ll come to believe what others around you already know.