Show and Tell From My Idea Bag

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 40 Degrees – 6:43 a.m.

Today, a few ideas I’ve picked up for myself over the years. Some are about business, some are about much more important things.

Take what you find valuable. If something in the list makes you feel uncomfortable, that’s not a clue to shy away, it’s a clue you might need to dig DEEPER into it.

The digging is about you discerning whether the ideas you hold are truly yours or are simply those that were fed to you:

  1. Do nothing out of fear.
  2. Whether or not people like you is not important, whether or not YOU like you is a question worth your energy.
  3. Clients are your biggest teachers. You will attract those that show you the parts of YOURSELF you can’t stand. Get used to it and be grateful for getting paid to become a better you.
  4. No one knows what they are doing. And certainly no one but you can tell you what YOU should do. Work on connecting with the part of you that already knows.
  5. You create your reality. No one can truly explain it but plenty of people have proven it to themselves. The energetic state you embody is the flavor of reality you create. When you understand that the energetic state of your being is a decision made by you, consciously or unconsciously, you will discover the power you truly have. You only have two options: LOVE or FEAR.
  6. You are not broken, you are not evil, you do not require “saving.” Stop looking outside of yourself for someone to save you. Save yourself. No one else is coming. Stop giving your power away to anyone. No one but you deserves it.
  7. If you want to change a “system,” stop focusing your energy on it. Focus your energy on the new creation you want to manifest from your intention. What you focus on expands.
  8. Life is too short not to figure out how to spend your days doing things you love. You don’t need a good reason to pursue this other than your desire to. The rest of the world will call you crazy, idealistic, naive and more. That’s usually a good sign. Go forth as your “crazy” self!
  9. You will experience freedom to the extent you see past the levels of brainwashing you have received about HOW and WHO you are “supposed” to be.
  10. Be the example of someone who has the guts to be themselves and accept the consequences. (If you need a push, just imagine getting to the end of your life and kneeling down in front of your child and telling them that you were just a little too scared to actually be yourself this time around, but they should definitely do what you weren’t willing to do.) That usually wakes me up enough to snap out of my sheepdom.
  11. The divine is not your master, it is your partner in the dance of life. It is IN you. In the words of Rumi, “There is an inner wakefulness, that directs the dream and that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.”