Self-Mastery Bidness

The Desert of Arizona

RE: Self mastery bidness

It’s kind of funny that for someone who started life so allergic to the idea of “mastery” (how boring, how dull!), I seem to have been bitten by the bug.

Call it chance, call it luck, call it grace, but here I am, with this most important topic at the center of a lot of my thinking.

I spent a long time looking out into the world trying to find people to be like when I started in business. Trying to set my gaze on things OTHERS had that I wanted too.

It’s easy to do this in business.

But at the end of the day, we all retreat to the exact same place. We’re all left with little more than ourselves as we go to sleep at night.

Your life or business isn’t about how you compare yourself to others. Because no matter how “successful” you become, you will never run out of those who have achieved more. And chasing that, dear Reader, is one of the many paths to hell.

Your life and business are about you, and how today’s version of you compares to yesterday’s version.

To me, that’s something worth measuring. Primarily because you are 100% in control of what happens immediately after that measurement is taken.

This is something you can be extremely grateful for.

If you’ve ever done any metaphysical reading or work, you might have first hand experience of what happens when you walk around in a constant state of gratitude.

What happens is that you open up the flow of energy into and out of your life. Sometimes that energy is money, sometimes it’s love, sometimes it’s some other form.

But gratitude seems to be a key that unlocks the floodgates.

The challenge, of course, is how to remember to walk around like that? How do you remember that when the clients are calling or when your family is calling or when you have a “to-do” list a mile long?

From my perspective, living the daily journey to self-mastery is one way to LIVE in a constant state of gratitude. Pursuing the path to your best self is your offering of thanks for your life.

This is how you keep gratitude at the forefront of your being. You don’t have to remember to THINK about it if you set up your life to LIVE it.

And that’s where you can find the motivation you need to hop on the self-mastery path. Everyone’s path is going to be different, so you can’t find your answers in books.

Books can help you along the way, but they won’t be a substitute for your experience. That’s really all that matters.

The best part about this is that living the journey to self-mastery has immediate payoffs. When you exercise the habit of choosing what you want MOST over what you want NOW, the way you feel about yourself changes.

And that’s a change that is extremely noticeable on the outside.

My definition of a modern day warrior is someone who is on this journey.

And it’s to these people I write every month in the Rainmaker Letter. In the next issue, I’m going to walk you through something pretty interesting.

In the next issue, I’m going to take you through a very in depth real world example of how I’m building out an attraction funnel for a product that’s sold by THOUSANDS of other people… all at the same price!

If you’ve ever wondered how you stick out in a situation like that, that’s what you’ll discover.

But you won’t see it unless you subscribe. The invitation is open, but only you can step through the door.

Subscribe to the Rainmaker Letter here.