Self-Determination and Your Ability to Use It

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 51 Degrees
6:35 a.m.

Living a life of self-determination is a powerful idea.

To go through life being led by your internal truth above all, with zero exceptions, is a very satisfying way to spend your time.

Once you start doing it, once you get on that road, you realize that almost EVERYTHING in our current world is setup to prevent this journey from happening.

That’s no accident, of course. How would you control and suck the life force from 7 billion people if they all realized they could rescind and revoke any direct, indirect or tacit consent to be controlled by other people?

Ha… you wouldn’t. And that would be a problem for a select group of nasty folks.

This whole construct of lies will crumble soon enough. In the meantime, we can apply this ideal of self-determination to the business world as well.

It pretty much trashes the traditional approach to “selling” from the getgo.

There’s a reason why so many people are allergic to the idea of selling themselves.

They’re not dumb…

They don’t have “confidence issues…”

They’re not poorly trained…

They’re not ill-suited to be the “alpha” (that’s hilarious)…

These are the folks who are still connected to themselves on the inside and know that the current sales models are infected with the viruses of coercion and control. And they don’t know the right way forward for them.

If I manipulate your feelings then I can get you to do what I want.

If I make you think about me in a carefully crafted way, then you’ll give me money.

The current world of “business” is just a commercial (dead) overlay meant to hide and suppress the truth about vibrant and equitable exchange between humans.

The thing the hard-selling sales guys don’t get is that, just like they’re selling the buyer, they’ve been sold as well. They’ve been sold a lie about what it means to be successful. And they bought it.

That’s well within their right, I’ll add. But that doesn’t make it smart 🙂

“Getting yours” isn’t the point, “giving it” IS.

If you have to use force to get people to buy things, you don’t have something that’s valuable enough to offer the world on its own. It’s a clue to get back to work.

The good news is that this is something YOU control. You can put in the thinking and effort required so you can give up trying to control others and have everyone prosper in the process.