Sacrificing Sacrifice

Mountains of Arizona
Rain Coming 64 Degrees
2:12 p.m.

The mental models you allow into your being become real.

So as you grow and step into a more powerful expression of you, there’s work to be done to critically analyze the crap you’ve already allowed to invade your mind space.

Take the idea of “sacrifice.”

It’s a generally accepted understanding that, if you’re going to achieve “success,” you will have to make sacrifices for that success.

From my perspective, this is B.S.

This uses your own power against yourself to compromise your ability to create.

If you truly want to have a beautiful body, is it a “sacrifice” to not sit around eating cupcakes all day?

If you truly want to learn to speak French, is it a “sacrifice” to stay home on Friday nights and study what you want to learn?

If you truly want to eat cupcakes all day, is it a “sacrifice” to not sit around eating carrots all day?

When you buy into this “sacrifice” construct, you actively project that you are choosing not to do things you actually would like to be doing.

Which is the truth? Where is your intention? You have to figure this out for yourself.


“Sacrifice” is an idea. It needs energy to exist. That means you have to believe in it for it to be given power. If you don’t believe, it doesn’t exist.

So what does that tell you? What does it tell you that you have the power to make things come in and out of existence?

We are intention directed creative beings. What we direct our intention to, becomes real. Pure intention is power.

When you offer your intention to create, there is no reason “sacrifice” should be invited to the party.

Why should that guest be given a seat at the table?

Do you see why it’s so important to take control of this ability we have?

The “powers that were” have taken control of it FOR humanity up until now. Why do you think Hollywood is so big? How else do you fill the subconscious creative minds of humanity with the SAME picture for them to work together to bring into reality? Movies work GREAT! The time has come for that to end, so it’s all going to crumble. (Sorry evil people!)

If you want to create something in your life or business, choose the route you want to create it.

If you want to change your mind and create something else, do that.

You have been given the power of the divine to wield as you choose.

Why would you direct it to create your own prison?

What happens if “sacrifice” was just a lie to keep you small?