Rethinking the Tortoise

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The Client Letter
Rethinking the Tortoise
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
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February 27, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

We’ve all heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. And we’ve all been told the lesson that “slow and steady” wins the race.

The version of the story that sticks in my mind is the Looney Tunes version with Bugs Bunny. Yes, the secret is out. I was steeped in never ending highbrow culture as a child.

The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. And the reason for that, as best as I can remember from the episode, is because the hare gets tired out from sprinting.

I don’t think that’s the way things play out in real life.

If I look back to my tortoise and hare moments, it’s not that I got tired out and ended up gasping for breath on the side of the road…

I just got bored and quit.

I wasn’t patient enough to enjoy the race. I was just obsessed with reaching the goal.

Give it time.

Things come when they are ready to come, not always when you are ready for them.

And the longer you stay in the game, the more time you allow for opportunities to come your way.

Our current culture is obsessed with time and schedules. Most people would probably say that’s the case because people have “things to do.”

Maybe that’s partly right. But I think the deeper reason is that the current internal state of most folks is in such disarray they reach out for ANYTHING that gives them the illusion that they are in control.

No one is in control.

So your only choice is really to enjoy the race or drive yourself nuts by constantly focusing on where you’re NOT.

Remember, when the race is over, we die. So really, what’s the rush?

Live it up.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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