Rejecting the Teacher

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 77 Degrees
3:01 p.m.

Yesterday I presented the “Fee Setting Made Simple” webinar which was basically my current thinking about money and how to approach charging for your services.

One of the things I covered was why, in my opinion, the entire “think and grow rich” philosophy is responsible for sending the world on what I’ve found to be the biggest wild goose chase ever created.

Kind of like the California Gold Rush, but worse…because it’s still going on.

The bottom line is, you don’t get what you think about. That’s the reason why it doesn’t work for most people.

Material reality matches the vibration you offer to it.

And the bulk of that vibration is not coming from your mind.

This is why I’ve pretty much lost patience with business books. It’s not that I have nothing to learn. In fact, it’s the opposite. The older I get, the less I seem to know.

But I’m getting far better at choosing the right teachers for my specific journey.

And that’s the point: to choose the right teachers for what you need.

That’s a level of discernment I didn’t have for quite some time. Rejecting teachers isn’t exactly something the system trains you to do.

But you have the authority to do that.

So choose wisely.

Don’t be swayed by credentials. Don’t be swayed by a lack of credentials.

Trust yourself.