Peeling the Onion

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 84 Degrees

What exactly are your clients buying?

It’s a pretty powerful exercise to ask yourself this question every so often. At first, you come up with an answer that you think is the answer.

As time goes on, however, you realize you never get the perfect answer. You’re always in the process of discovering a better answer than the one you had before.

This is what clarity looks like in slow motion. This is how it develops.

It’s like peeling an onion.

Sometimes clarity comes like a lighting bolt from above. But even in those instances, there are usually many things that came BEFORE that lightening bolt ultimately leaped from the heavens down to you.

The first step is to just start asking the question.

What are they really buying?

You don’t have to be the world’s best salesperson if you actually BEGIN with something they already want.

It’s so much easier to sell things people want to buy.