Painting Out the Crazy From Your Business

The Client Letter
September 14, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 64 Degrees

There are certain parts of the “working with clients” process that can really drive you nuts.

From prospects who don’t call you back to slow paying clients to… I’m sure you don’t have too much trouble coming up with an item or two that makes you crazy.

Don’t forget that you have the power to change those things. In fact, you’re the only one with the power.

You are the artist standing behind the canvas that is your business. There are no rules about how that canvas should look. Your responsibility is to make those rules for yourself.

Here’s an example.

In my own process of selling my own services, I have to work to improve my process. My point of focus lately is the new prospect process. When I find part of the process that is broken, I figure out a solution.

Usually that means I go in the direction of getting more structured with prospects as they come through the door.

I used to do free consultations, scheduled at the convenience of my prospect.

Now I offer a preset schedule for them to choose from. (No phone tag.)

I use to allow that conversation to begin without structure.

But recently I’ve made some changes I’m excited to take for a test drive.

First, each call will have a beginning time and an ending time. I’m on my way to paid consultations I believe, but for now, this will do. The call starts at a specific time, and it ends at a specific time. Period.

(My track record shows I often suck at this, but I will not continue to treat my time that poorly.)

Second, each call will be planned. In other words, I will give the prospect a summary sheet to complete and send to me within 24 hours of our call. No completed form, no call, period.

I strive to make these changes with zero attitude. I’m not trying to be better than anyone, I’m simply trying to use my life in the best possible way. And that means to use it consciously.

This is just a small example to show what I mean about painting your own canvas.

What’s eating you about your business?

Fire up your noggin and change it.

Or if you need help, register for Client Mastery. That’ll put you light years ahead. Getting just one new client from what you discover could pay for the fee many times over.