Normal Is Insane

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 85 Degrees
4:17 p.m.

Business is an amazing vehicle with which to create your own freedom.

You get to blaze your own path.

You get to work through a never ending stream of challenges.

You get to experience the satisfaction of “getting things done.”

The crazy part about business is that you can engage in this exact set of activities and end up in two very different places.

Same activities, very different outcomes.

What makes the difference?

Your ability to be honest with yourself about what you really want, what’s truly important to you, and to have your doings come into alignment with those true desires.

The masses are not trained to reward clarity. Because to have clarity, you must have extreme rejection of anything that does not belong. And the masses are conditioned not to respond well to being rejected. They are programmed to pursue acceptance at all costs.

What are your true desires? Most of us have to do some real work to dig down deep enough through the conditioning crap to get close to half an answer.

It doesn’t matter what you want. That’s up to you. Just have the guts to OWN what you want.

“I want this. I don’t want that.”

Be clear with yourself, despite the resistance you might get from the rest of the herd at first.

A lack of honesty with YOURSELF leads people to do and say dumb things.

Things like:

“My family is the TOP priority in my life. They are so important to me that I’m going to go away from them for 12 hours a day so I can work, and they’re going to go away from ME for 8-10 hours a day so they can be in spirit killing prison school. That way, we can all be a close and happy family…because they’re the most important thing I have!”

Society has been conditioned to think statements like that are “normal.”

Normal is insane. That’s the plan. That’s been the plan. It’s working. And incoherent statements like that one above are outward manifestations of the severe internal trauma this “normal” creates.

You can choose better.

What’s better?

Choosing what you want.

You don’t need permission. You don’t need approval. You don’t need anything EXCEPT the courage to live the life you’re meant to live.