I’ll Get Back to You…

The Desert of Arizona
Mostly Cloudy 50 Degrees

I was taught not to lie.

I was also taught to be scared of just about everything.

So in order to cope and get through life, lies became something I did all of the time. Oh they weren’t big lies… they were small ones. But there were a lot of them.

“Do you like your piece of pie Jason?” “It’s OK…” I’d say that even though I thought the pie sucked.

Small lies are probably worse than big ones. Because small lies kill you from the inside. They erode your belief in yourself because every one you tell is another piece of proof that you don’t have the balls to be who you are.


Prospects lie too. That’s why, when you ask them about buying, they say things like, “I’ll get back to you.”

It’s a lie most of the time. It’s a lie because it’s the least painful thing they can think of saying. And you can’t really blame them. Most of the world is scared to death. Why do you think the world is so easy to control?

It’s because of FEAR.

I’m not immune by the way.

I started with fear controlling my actions from behind the curtain without my knowledge. Eventually, I worked my way to having fear control my actions WITH my knowledge but also with my consent. And now I’m at the point where I’m looking fear in the face and just staring back at it in silence.

We’ll see what happens with that. But despite the consequences, I’m confident it’s the best way through.

But really, life is too short to lie to yourself. What would happen if you stopped, cold turkey?

What would your prospects, your clients and the world think of you then?

It’s either the scariest thing in the world or the only route to true freedom.

You get to choose.

What’s my decision?

I’ll get back to you…

Ha! I think you know my decision.