How to Ignore People

Mountains of Arizona
Windy 78 Degrees
3:32 p.m.

I was raised to feel guilty for ignoring people. I didn’t realize that refusing to ignore anyone means I sacrifice progress towards my objectives by splintering my focus and attention into tons of little pieces.

This is not smart.

Part of the Incomparable Expert Journey is figuring out WHO you’re for. Who are you here to help?

Once you get that answer, it’s smart to “ignore” everyone else. It’s the price you pay for being effective.

  • Just because the phone rings, should you pick it up?
  • Just because you receive an email, should you reply?
  • Just because someone wants to meet for coffee, does that mean you need to meet them?
  • Just because there’s a great “opportunity” you could pursue, should you?

A “nice” guy might respond to all of those items. But nice guys are well practiced in trading in the potential for their progress for NOT having to feel the conflict that might arise by saying NO or simply ignoring the request.

Isn’t it weird there’s not a word with a POSITIVE connotation that means you are laser focused on the direction you’re going and are not offering attention to anything else?

Because what we’re doing here is not actually actively IGNORING people but, instead, choosing to place 100% of our awareness on a specific point in front of us.

Should that not choice be ours to make?

With that choice, our awareness is removed from what is not relevant to our journey.

I know people say that TIME is all we have, but that’s not true.

Your awareness is all you have. You’re always placing your awareness SOMEWHERE. The question is how much control you develop for choosing exactly where that is.