How to Feel Lost and Still Get Somewhere

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 71 Degrees
6:19 a.m.

The topic of the day is this:

How to feel lost most of the time and still get somewhere.

But first, two quick things: The Lead Lab starts next Tuesday. It’s a small group where we do a lot of thinking and work to build a lead generation system for you.

Next, the first issue of the Business Intelligence Report hits email inboxes everywhere in a few days. Back issues are not available.

Your experience may vary, of course, but much of my career as an entrepreneur could probably be summed up like this:

Jason made great progress despite feeling lost most of the time.

I’ve come to realize that although I’m pretty clear about where OTHERS should be walking, figuring that out for myself is often a mystery.

This is not a “weakness,” or a freak anomaly, or even something to be fixed. It’s something to live with, appreciate and see beyond.

It is the way I AM.

This is where being supported by a PROCESS is so key. For me, the process became writing to you every day. That’s what I call a “media platform.”

What do I do when I wake up clear and directed about the next step?

I sit down and think of something to write about that might help others.

What do I do when I wake up thinking that perhaps I should live in a cabin on a stream somewhere deep in the forest for a few years?

I sit down and think of something to write about that might help others.

What do I do when business is flowing and the future feels “bright?”

I sit down and think of something to write about that might help others.

And what do I do when reality ISN’T going according to my plan?

You can probably guess the answer by now.

When in doubt, solve problems for others. When you do that enough, not only do you become a master at it, but opportunities you did not see present themselves to you.

You don’t execute your process when you think you need to make something happen. You execute your process each and every day regardless of circumstance.

The process I choose is the whole media platform approach to things. Choose whichever process you want, but choose something.

Feeling lost is not the problem. Allowing that to stop you from growing and adding value to the world is.