Getting Paid to Go to School

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 72 Degrees 5:03 a.m.

(Before we jump in, here’s a reminder that TOMORROW is the Mindset Reset seminar. Get onboard if you’re coming…)

So what happens if you shift your perception from one where the client is the adversary to one where the client is the teacher?

Think about that for a second. Think back to your most annoying client fiasco and ask yourself, what was the lesson that client had for you to learn?

(This works with children too, by the way. They have lessons for us. We can choose to ignore them or we can be humble enough to learn them.)

It takes a fair amount of emotional maturity to do this. (Something I didn’t have for far too long.) It also might drive your ego nuts for a few minutes until it gets used to its new role sitting in the backseat of your life.

But this approach is how you attract better clients over time. When you get better, the clients that show-up get better. It’s not crazy talk, it’s just energy.

But clients are not the enemy. Clients are the teachers, which means they’re not out to get you.

But if you stop playing the victim, you can’t sit around complaining about how someone else is responsible for what’s going on in your life. For a lot of folks, this will free up a major amount of time.

This is a very powerful way to go through business because it puts you on a path of constant improvement.

Instead of moaning and groaning about that client who keeps pushing the scope of the project wider without additional compensation, you look more carefully and find the lesson.

The lesson could very well be an opportunity to (finally) develop the guts and ability to set clear boundaries with others. The client doesn’t put a gun to your head in your work. The only way “scope creep” can ever happen is if YOU allow it to happen.

Wouldn’t it be nice to learn a lesson like that so you never have to deal with it again?

Everything changes when you change your perception like this.

You go from talking about your “annoying clients” to being grateful you get PAID to go to school and make yourself better.