Finding Your Way to the Idea Store

Mountains of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 55 Degrees
3:30 p.m.

One of the challenges experts have with consistently publishing newsletters or podcasts is that, sometimes, the ideas, seem to come more slowly than others.

I think it’s Seth Godin who said something that completely aligns with my experience as well: (I’m paraphrasing…) You don’t publish because you have ideas. You have ideas because you publish.

So when it comes time to do the work, you train yourself to connect with the idea.

If you’re starting from scratch in the idea department, “doing the work” can seem like a daunting task each day, week or month. Your mind freaks you out about “what if” the ideas don’t come!

There’s a relatively straightforward way to make sure this never happens to you. But it involves something very few people are willing or able to do.

You have to KNOW yourself and have the guts to BE yourself in public.

The next step is to understand that publishing a media platform isn’t about teaching. It’s not about talking about yourself. It’s not even about transforming your reader or listener into an expert like you are.


When you stand for something, you can find an unlimited number of places where you can comment and add value.

You don’t have to come up with “new” ideas, you have to stand for things that are real, and important.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a CPA or a lawyer or a massage therapist or a house painter.

Your worth isn’t in what you do.

It’s is the VALUES that inform what you do, how you do it, and WHY you do it.