Beyond Professional

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 51 Degrees

Got an email the other day from someone I’ve been working with for quite some time.

He’s been on a journey of sorts and the world is starting to respond.

The journey of a platform publisher can look a lot of different ways.

It might start with you feeling really awkward. All of a sudden, you’re putting yourself out there in a way that opens you up for criticism.

Eventually, you start to get yourself together. Your ideas become clearer, your delivery more effective. Soon, you earn the respect of those you are serving. They begin to view you as the trusted advisor. You are the professional expert in their eyes.

And then you keep going and you move beyond that.

You push through the boundary of the “professional” to what’s next…

What’s beyond that?

You are. Not the little you. Not the professional you. Not the expert you.

I’m talking about the REAL YOU.

I guess I should probably “come clean” about the work I do here. While some people look in from the outside and think my work is about client attraction… well, that’s one part. But it’s a little bit like the iceberg analogy. The part you see above water is a fraction of the whole. The truth is much deeper.

YOU have been flavored with a unique resonance that no one else has.

I call it the spark of the divine. That is IN YOU, right now. I can see it in people. I can feel it. Ultimately, it’s yours to show or hide.

Most people have been frightened into hiding that spark for their entire lives. But I’m here for the people who have the guts to show it.

I’m here to give those people direction by empowering them to make their unique and individual contribution that ultimately brings the world closer to the expression of the love of spirit.

In other words, my work is to take that spark of divinity that is IN YOU and bring it out into the world where it can serve others.

Once you figure out what that part of you is and build a way to get that out into the world, your life changes.

Being a professional or a highly-respected expert is just the first step. The real magic happens when you go beyond professional… when you start being YOU.