Afraid to Sell

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees
9:49 a.m.

Are we really afraid of rejection when it comes to selling? Is the fear of being rejected really so terrible within ourselves that we avoid ever having to deal with it?

Maybe for some people that’s the problem. But my guess is that, for most people, that’s really only a symptom of the problem.

Think back through your life, through all of the schooling and all of the societal training we’ve received.

Pretty much everywhere we turn, we’re trained to subjugate our will to the will of another.

Can you imagine “expressing your will” in elementary school and just walking out to see the birds outside? Of course not, you’d get in trouble. They wouldn’t even let you go to the bathroom without “permission” in school. This is not an accident, of course. It’s just a not so subtle reminder that your will is worthless.

We’re so well trained that this is normal and even admirable, that it feels weird to go out into the world with our will front and center.

What if people don’t like it? What if we show the world what we want and other people laugh? Expressing your will can feel really weird. Like you’re doing something wrong! Hope you don’t get caught!

No baby comes into this plane with issues like this. Every child on the PLANET has zero problem making their will extremely clear to everyone else.

Do you want to sell what you have? Do you want people to buy it? Is this a secret? Should it be one?

If you give your will to another, you have nothing left. Your internal directive force capable of CREATING has been extinguished.

Not a good idea. Take it back. It’s yours. If you’ve been trained to give it away, you’ve been tricked by some folks focused on domination of the whole world and allowed yourself to become impotent by your own consent.

Your will is a gift you’ve been given to direct your creation here on earth.

Take it back, express it into the world without reservation and watch what happens.