A Walking Tour of Vendorland

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees

When you’re working with clients, you basically have a choice about where you want to locate your business.

I’m not talking about renting office space here, I’m talking about the location of your business in the mind of your prospect.

There are basically two locations.

  1. Vendorland
  2. Incomparable Expert Land

Today, we’re going to take a quick tour of Vendorland. That way, you can see what it would be like to live there.

Vendorland is a quaint place to visit, but probably not somewhere you want to stay. It’s just a little bit eery. Quiet and beautiful, of course, but weird.

Almost every house looks the same. The same construction, the same color, the same windows and the very same small sign hanging on the front door of each of the homes. On that sign are written words that describe what the person who lives in the home does.

There’s something interesting about all of these signs. They basically describe the very same type of thing.

All of the signs describe a solution.

“Web site design,” says one of the signs…

“Chiropractor,” says another…

“Management consultant,” says another…

All of the signs promise great solutions. All of the signs are clear and legible.

Each day, the residents of Vendorland, being the friendly people that they are, leave their homes and go out in search of problems that require their solutions. The residents of Vendorland are solutions in search of problems. And so they spend their time searching.

Sometimes, when clients need a solution, they drive through Vendorland looking at the door signs. Generally, the first one they see that matches what they need is called and hired.

“How much do you charge? How quickly can you be done?”

That’s usually how the conversation goes.

The residents of Vendorland have all grown up hearing the fairytale about a far away place called Incomparable Expert Land. No one is exactly sure where it is, but the legend tells that the homes in Incomparable Expert Land are beautiful.

Each one is different… each one special. And everyone is pretty much always at home.

There’s no need to leave Incomparable Expert Land because it’s become a prized destination for most of the best clients. They choose to go there to search out the expert they’ve heard about.

Everything you do and say broadcasts the real “location” of your business. If you don’t want to broadcast that you live in Vendorland, think about what needs to change. This is something you control, no matter what industry you choose to be in.