From My Coaching Call This Morning

The Client Letter
December 10, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

Had a coaching call with a client this morning. During the call, he explained a recent encounter he had with a prospect that demonstrates the magic of what I discussed yesterday.

Unlike so many service providers, my client did something smart when it became obvious that the guy he was sitting next to was a prospect.

What he did was more about what he didn’t do. He didn’t talk about himself.

Actually, during the story he told me, I can remember 2 or even 3 instances where he gently and consciously pushed his prospect AWAY.

What was the result?

The prospect kept taking steps closer. The attractive force grew.

Everything you wouldn’t expect to happen, happened.

There’s a huge difference between me talking about this every day and you actually experiencing the magic for yourself.

I could write about this principle forever and a lot of people still would never get it. You must actually do it to discover.

It’s a little bit like trying to explain how to ride a bike with words. You can’t really do it in a way that gets through. But once the person FEELS what it’s like to ride the bike, they never forget.

Just ONE experience of feeling the result of “pushing back” is enough to convert you for the rest of your life to this approach.

It might be a little scary at first, but it’s worth it.