How to Smurf Yourself Some Clients

The Client Letter
October 17, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 42 Degrees

I grew up watching the smurfs. If you’re not familiar with the little blue creatures, catch yourself up here.

Every Saturday morning, my brothers and sisters and I would sit in front of the idiot box and watch 90 minutes of the smurfs. There was Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Hefty Smurf, Brainy Smurf and a lot of others.

Despite the wide range of characters, every episode was basically the same:

Some villain (usually the evil wizard Gargamel) would back the smurfs into a corner and they’d eventually escape to see another day.

One of the challenges with hunting down the smurfs was that no one was seemingly ever able to find their village.

It’s hard to capture a smurf when you can’t even figure out where they live.

We service providers often deal with a similar problem.

Let’s say you’re a chiropractor. If you’re trying to target clients who are about to trip over a chair and hurt their back… good luck finding them!

You might think that’s a dumb example, but it’s not. Service providers attempt to attract clients they can’t locate every day of the week.

That’s why it’s so hard!

If you don’t know where your prospective clients are, then how exactly are you supposed to develop the trust required for them to hire you?

You can’t. Instead, you just sit there and hope and pray that they find you. Sometimes this works, but it’s a pretty slow way to go.

Do you know where your prospective clients are? Are you even targeting prospective clients that you can locate in advance?

If you aren’t, think about how you can change that.

Once you figure out where they are, then you put down roots. That’s where you build your PLATFORM. Next week, I’m going to show you how to do it.