The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 66 Degrees – 8:35 a.m.
It’s not every day that Mr. Seth Godin volunteers to write the Daily Journal. But today, he did!
OK, not really. But I want to direct you to his posting today.
Read the questions he’s asking you.
These are the questions we answer in the Platform Lab
These are the questions we answer in the Lead Lab.
These are the questions I spend a fair amount of each day thinking about. I’m usually either trying to answer them for myself or for a client.
These questions are what matters.
There are TONS of people who are great at what they do.
There are TONS of people who want what those people CAN do.
But there aren’t many people who take the time and thought to create GOOD answers to the questions Seth asks.
You know how business experts always talk about how “perceived value” is all that matters?
When I was younger and far more naive, I thought that meant the goal was to manipulate perception so you looked good and valuable.
On one hand, that’s true. My mistake was that I viewed it as a type of marketing “sleight of hand” that you DID to someone.
Perceived value is created when value creation is FOCUSED on a target in a way that the target can receive the signal.
The point of all of this is to truly understand that unfocused value creation is simply not valuable to anyone.