Tell Me Where You’re At

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 64 Degrees

Years ago when I attended my very first networking meeting in a little restaurant just north of Chicago, I really had no idea how to sell.

So I started reading a lot of books and tried to figure it out. At first, it seemed like selling was something you did to someone.

It wasn’t until I discovered the approach of people like David Sandler did I realize that selling was something you facilitated for the buyer to do to himself.

This is a very different way to approach things. But this angle takes you OUT of the adversarial role of salesperson and puts you on the same side of the table as your prospect. That’s how it can feel. It can feel like you are their advocate… and it’s totally true.

To sell this way, however, you need more than a slick “elevator pitch.” In fact, you don’t need one of those at all.

What you really need is good information. You need the ability to uncover the information that is currently hiding in the heart and mind of your prospect.

Here’s a very simple way to get that information. In this one sentence, you immediately take control of a conversation, and structure it in a way so that it will soon make sense to your prospect whether YOU might fit somewhere in their journey.

“Tell me where you’re at, where you’re trying to go and what you think is keeping you from getting there.”

After you say that to a prospect, you just close your mouth and listen. A few times along the way, you follow-up with: “Tell me more about that…”

If this is a new approach for you, make sure to listen to the complimentary “How to Dig For Gold” training that’s available to you as a subscriber.

You can do this face to face or you can do this in slow motion via the platform. The platform feeds a lot of information to your prospect so that, over time, they begin to see a clear picture of where they’re at and what’s keeping them from getting where they want to go. Most importantly, they begin to see where YOU might fit into that journey.

This is why the platform, over time, reduces and sometimes totally eliminates the need for traditional “selling.” (If you’re a Field Report subscriber, go read the issue about the Incomparable Expert Formula in the archives.)

This is how you become a trusted advisor.