You Should Buy This

Mountains of Arizona
Cloudy 56 Degrees
3:02 p.m.

They don’t get back to you because, at the moment, they don’t want what you have.

Yes, you could push. Yes, you could follow-up. Yes, you could “close” them.

But then you will have, as a customer or client, someone who didn’t want to be there at that time with you.

You still technically get the money, but you’ve given up way more than that in exchange.

In my opinion, you pay an enormous price if you do this. And you’re usually asked to pay that price at the most inopportune time.

It’s much easier to just accept a simple truth: people want what they want when they want it.

If they don’t want it now, they might want it later.

That’s where the media platform comes in. That’s why it’s so valuable.

I never understand why so many people allow their media platforms (newsletters, podcasts, etc.) to die. Sometimes it’s sudden, sometimes it takes a while.

They start writing or recording. A few weeks or months go by. Frequency starts to drop. Drip..drip..drip……drip…………..drip…………….. Then, one day, it just stops. Poof. Gone.

I know what the mind is saying. It’s saying things like, “This doesn’t work. I’m not seeing results. This isn’t going to cut it. This isn’t fast enough. I have to move on.”

Here’s the thing to remember:

You’re not publishing to see results today.

You’re publishing to see results six months from now, or the month after that, or two years after that.

With THAT as your frame of mind, days will blur together and you will soon wake-up one day to find that “results” are coming every day.

You will have crossed the desert, where most media platforms go to die, and will arrive to enjoy an extremely lush garden…one that you planted one seed at a time.