Who’s the Bigger Person?

The Client Letter
March 5, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Snow 27 Degrees

I have a powerful visualization exercise for you today.

It’ll take a few minutes for a payoff that could last the rest of your life.


Sit there and take a few deep breaths. Now picture a specific client you’ve worked with at some point in the past.

Take a minute or two to build as much detail into the picture as you can. You want to build the detail around you and you want to build the detail around your client.

Really get that picture clear in your mind’s eye.

Now, here are some questions for you to answer about your picture:

In your picture…

  • Who’s the bigger person?
  • Who’s the smaller one?
  • Who’s the stronger person?
  • Who’s the the weaker one?
  • Who is the more abundant person?
  • Who’s the needier one?
  • Who’s the leader?
  • Who’s the follower?

Now think about your answers and the way your picture looked.

What was the thing that was controlling how your picture ended up? What made you build one person (you) differently than you built the other person (your client)?

A lot of the frustrations I’ve had working with clients were caused by me showing up “small” and then getting annoyed when I wasn’t viewed as playing “big.”

I wanted clients to “see” me as bigger. But I viewed that as an effect, not as a cause.

Playing “big” starts in your gut… it works its way up to your head and then out through your actions.

You can’t go in PLAYING big and end up acting small. It just won’t happen because your actions follow beliefs. There are apparently no exceptions to this 🙂

In this month’s issue of The Rainmaker Letter, I’ll be including an interview with someone who’s no stranger to playing big.

Even hearing him talk is big. And he’s done some pretty amazing stuff in the field of ATTRACTING attention. This, of course, is the name of the game when it comes to working with clients.

You attract, you do not chase.

The issue gets released in a little over a week, so subscribe now so you don’t miss the interview.

You want more respect, higher fees, better clients?

Play big NOW. Play big in your head NOW. Play big in your gut NOW. Play big in the world… NOW.

Be bigger.