It is Better to Give and Receive

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 64 Degrees
2:31 p.m.

I grew up hearing it was better to give than to receive.

I’ve come to the conclusion that believing and practicing that leads to extreme dysfunction.

In fact, my experience is that embodying an idea like this creates a bizarre energetic stigma around the idea of receiving.

Wonder why the system would want all of its slaves to think that there was something morally lacking with the act of receiving?

What happens if everyone is programmed to believe they don’t deserve to receive? What happens if everyone is trained to believe that “receiving” is selfish?

That’s some pretty dark stuff to do to a human.

If you suck at receiving, if you’ve been trained into thinking it’s “less worthy” than giving, or even less satisfying, then you’re going to have to be the one to undo that, if you choose.

It is better to give and receive.

Does a plant in the ground only give?

Does an animal in the field only give?

What happens to a human who only gives?

That human creates a dysfunctional energy flow that will create an enormous imbalance with the Universal flow of exchange.

How do you practice receiving?

You give.

And then you willingly open yourself to the return that will come your way.

You do the world no favors by not mastering the art of receiving.