Beauty and the Beach

The Client Letter
March 4, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Tut, tut, looks like… snow 23 Degrees

Over the weekend, I took my family to the beach.

Before you get pictures in your head of me relaxing by the waves in some warm resort locale, understand this beach was a bit different.

This beach was white–not white with sand, but with snow.

The beach was frozen solid… almost.

Standing there on the edge of the shore, you could hear the continuous sound of cracking and shifting ice. It was amazing watching how it played out.

Every so often, a new piece of ice would rise out of nowhere and add a new creation to the shoreline.

Something that didn’t exist before, came to be.

It was really an amazing thing to witness.

And the sound that ice kingdom creation made… wow.

Here we are at the beginning of a new week. With each moment that passes, we have a choice:

Do we produce something… or do we consume something?

If we choose only to consume, we limit the new value we bring to the world.

If we choose to produce, we add value.

Which do you think is the better way to go?

Are you going to be a producer of value or a consumer of it?

Is there a more important choice to make on purpose? Read this article if you’re not sure.

The trip to the beach and the past few days have cleared up a few things for me:

I’m in the creation business.

I’m in the inspiration business.

I’m in the empowering business.

Why am I in those “businesses?”

Because they are a way to add value to the world.

What business are you in with your clients and customers?

What are you creating today?